currently closed! opening in september - join the waitlist

drop the overwhelm, build your dream design business

book dreamy design clients three months in advance for a stress-free, spacious work week!

picture this a year from now…

  • your calendar is booked up months in advance with projects you can’t wait to get stuck into

  • You’ve built a consistent monthly income and don’t have to constantly check your bank balance

  • burnout is a thing of the past as you have full control over your schedule and feel organised and empowered

  • you have the confidence to charge more, market yourself and do things your own way

a year of heart-filled mentoring just for designers

a year of heart-filled mentoring just for designers ✻

booked up with dream clients!

I started my business from scratch in The Clubhouse and in just a few months I was booking dream clients. I am now booking in advance consistently and took my business full-time, which I couldn’t have done without the support of Cat and the Clubhouse community!

Cat is a great mentor and empowers all of the members to strive for whatever their version of success is. She always offers actionable and tailored advice that makes you consider a situation from a different angle and is responsive, caring, and approachable. The endless Clubhouse resources, support from the community, and mentor calls have been totally priceless.

- Sarah, Design Gals

does this sound like you?

  • you want to make consistent income and reach your financial goals

  • you're overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do

  • you want to have more security and stability in your business

  • you feel like you’re shouting into a void with your marketing

tripled income consistently!

I’ve gone from overbookingwith projects I didn’t love to make up my income and struggling to build a stable business. The Clubhouse taught me the fundamentals of setting up a stable and well-structured business with the future and stability in mind. I was able to confidently increase my prices, figure out a booking schedule that works for me, and focus on the type of clients that I wanted to work with.

For the first time I have been booked up months in advance and have managed to double (and even triple!) my monthly income all whilst taking on less work. Cat always gives advice that is supported by actions and explanations and is always happy to help!

- Shenika, Shenika Designs

grow your dream business with the clubhouse

grow your dream business with the clubhouse ✼

the clubhouse is a twelve-month mentoring program…

just for designers


and this is how we build your dream design business together…

  • weekly live calls

    Every week on Tuesday at 1pm GMT, we will have a live mentoring call where we can talk through your strategies and building your dream design business. We can chat about processes, marketing, mindset and anything within the framework so you can take actionable points away with you.

  • private slack community

    Drop any questions you have as soon as you have them in the Slack community and you will get guidance from me as a mentor on the same day. The channel is also full of designers who have worked on the strategies you will be putting into place to support each other, or you can follow along with the guidance for others.

  • quarterly planning sessions

    Our planning sessions allow you to organise and map out your upcoming quarter, using the DYDB Big Picture Planning Method. You can make yourself accountable, get feedback on your plans and work on strategies as a group.

  • the self-paced framework

    ‘Your Booked Up Blueprint’ framework combines all of my teachings, strategies and foundations to book clients three months in advance and build a sustainable, consistent and joyful business that you can work through on your own time.

  • monthly content creation sessions

    Once a month, we have a four hour implementation/get sh*t done session where we can sit down together and make time to work ON our businesses and work through the elements you learn in the framework. No more putting off those crucial action tasks!

  • evergreen feedback

    At any time, we have a feedback channel where you can get tailored feedback on your content, pricing, signature services and sales pages so you can set solid foundations to book clients in advance and have a streamlined schedule set up.

booked in advance with dream clients!

The Clubhouse has been a monumental reason for any successes I've had as a business owner. Since joining, I have taken my business full-time, increased my income, and started booking dream clients months in advance. The course itself is robust, and so perfectly balanced between educational and supportive. Cat is an incredible mentor, she has an amazing ability to pick up on themes/concerns within the group and quickly find a way to support us through it.

- Allie, Studio Pie


🎥 guided tour 🎥

a walkthrough of the clubhouse!


see what you get when you sign up for the daring designers clubhouse!

booked up months in advance!

Working with Cat has been amazing and has been invaluable in helping me to grow my design business. Cat has an amazing skill for helping you to reach your goals in a way that works for you. Since joining the Clubhouse, Cat had helped me to raise my prices, plan a booking schedule that works for me, and helped me to get clear on my big picture goals and the steps to reach them.

Not to mention, she has created a supportive community of designers where we can ask questions, get advice, and even motivation to tackle issues that arise when running a design business.

- Danielle, Finding Design

about your mentor

about your mentor ✼


hey, i’m cat!

I’ve spent the last eight years running Gatto and testing every method to scale and develop - whilst helping designers like you do exactly the same.

I’ve gone from:

  • Feast and famine income cycle

  • Working 24/7 and constant burnout

  • Spending hours each week on admin and tasks I hated

  • Taking on any enquiry that came in


  • Consistent five-figure monthly income

  • Booked up to six months in advance with dreamy design clients

  • Creating the space to work 2-3 days a week and take 3 months off per year

  • Sustainable strategies to make sure my business lasts a lifetime

No reaching goals for one month only, no inauthenticity in my marketing, no working on things that I didn’t like - just 100% me working on things I love every day and connecting magnetically with my dream clients.

my mentoring super powers

  • flexible and personal guidance

    I don’t just want to push you to do things the way I did them or get to where I am. I want you to discover what your version of success looks like and help you get there.

  • Allowing space for your ideas and concerns

    There’s no point in me telling you what to do. You are your own person and you are what makes your business and work unique. I just want to let you shine.

  • Figuring out your mindset blocks

    If you’re pushing back on moving in one direction, there’s usually something standing in your way. I love figuring out what that is so you can knock it down

free of burnout and overwhelm!

I have gone from bending over backward to each and every client enquiry and constantly breaking my own boundaries to please my clients, to actually being able to stick to my defined packages and more importantly charge in alignment with their value. Before working with Cat I was pulling figures from thin air and hoping that I would enjoy the project and not get burnt out. It often was not the case. Now, I am enjoying my clients and the work that I do for them in their defined, well-planned packages. I am less overwhelmed, feel I have more time to work ON the business than in it and slowly but surely my monthly income is increasing!

- Rachael, Rachael Does Design

clubhouse pal wins!

clubhouse pal wins! ✼


 is the clubhouse right for me?


✔︎ The Clubhouse is perfect if...

  • You are an overwhelmed designer running your own business - either full-time or part-time
  • You know where you are at the moment isn’t 100% where you want to be and feel ready for change
  • You are ready to be supported and willing to open up to fresh ideas and moving past your own blocks
  • You are done with the freelancer cycle and want to create a sustainable business that supports you

✘ This won’t work if…

  • You are unwilling to make any change to how you currently run your business
  • You love the culture of hustling and working constantly
  • You don’t think the things you want for yourself are a possibility and can’t move past those thoughts
  • You want quick and simple change without too much work
  • you don’t like to work alongside groups of people with the same goals as you

drop me a dm @thedaringdesignersclub to
make sure the clubhouse is right for you

empty inbox to dream clients!

Since joining, I’ve gone from having an empty inbox to consistent enquiries and even signing on dream clients, which I can honestly say would not have happened if not for this community! It’s by far the best thing I’ve done for my business. The support and enthusiasm I’ve received in the program has made such a difference to my outlook on my business. Whether you’ve had a bad day or a huge win, Cat and the rest of the members are there with advice and positivity.

- Katy, Davies Design


meet danielle!

danielle needed community and mentoring to help certain areas of her amazing design business and managed to create a more spacious schedule and balance instead of inconsistent periods of busy and calm


meet sarah!

sarah was starting her business from scratch when she joined the clubhouse and after just a few months with her pricing and signature service set up - started booking dreamy, aligned clients

your investment

your investment ✼

the clubhouse is a twelve-month
mentoring program…

just for designers


join the waitlist

investment is £1800 in full for 12 months access with six and twelve month payment plans. join the waitlist to subscribe for launch bonuses and an early invitation to join!

opening september 2024

join the waitlist!


a reminder how we build your dream design business together…

  • weekly live group mentoring sessions

  • 'your booked up blueprint' framework course

  • downloadable swipe files, templates & guides

  • big picture planning every quarter

  • a private slack community for ongoing support

  • library of past mentoring calls & workshops

  • strategy drop-in business feedback reviews

  • guest expert workshops to watch now

taken my business full-time

Cat’s support and guidance has helped me to take my business full-time which was a huge goal of mine when we started working together. I have developed a deeper understanding of running my own business and how to manage everything from pricing, process, finding my dream clients, and much more! I love Cat’s approach to running a design business and it now doesn’t feel so overwhelming! Cat’s wisdom is unparalleled and I can’t thank her enough for bringing together such a wonderful community of designers and like-minded people. Thank you, Cat!

- Cassie, CK Studio

here are your biggest questions

drop me a dm over on @thedaringdesignersclub
if you have more things to discuss!

  • some of the most successful members of the clubhouse have joined with just an idea and access to adobe illustrator! if you’re early in your business journey, this is great place to start with intention and lay foundations with purpose for a joyful business in the future.

  • i support you as your mentor through our monthly live mentoring calls, ongoing support in our private slack community, quarterly planning sessions and a bonus 1:1 session for you to use when you need it!

  • this program will only teach the business side of things but i can always recommend resources if you’d like to perfect your craft as a designer!

  • twelve months is the perfect amount of time to transform your business! we allocate six months to working through the self study course and then six months of implementation so we can all experience growth, wins and see your plans come to life

  • some things within the program are more prescriptive and step by step, and if that’s the case - i will give you as much information as you need! however, most things are completely tailored to your business and you as a human so with these things i can guide, support and help you find your perfect unique solution.

  • the guarantees i can make are that i will show up for you whenever you need support and i will provide the experience, tools and materials to help you get to the place you want to be. but the results are always based on you, your motivation and the work you put in. if you bring everything you have and leave it all on the table, i know you can reach those goals you’ve set for yourself

  • any designer who provides a service to others! i’ve worked with brand designers, web designers, developers, pattern designers, freelance designers, stationery designers - and a mix of all of the above!

  • only you can know whether something will be a good investment for you. past clubhouse members have done things like doubled their monthly income, booked up months in advance and added new income streams into their business which pay off quickly!

    some of my biggest investments have been the scariest but most worthwhile times in my business so if you’re ready, i’m here for you.

full of creative confidence!

Joining The Clubhouse has been such a gamechanger! Cat has a great way of making you figure out how to solve your problems instead of offering the solution on a plate. This really helps with confidence but also to find out what I want instead of what someone says I should do. The community is very supportive, encouraging, and helpful. I'm so glad I decided to join the Clubhouse as I already feel more confident, have a clear direction and am super excited to take my business to the next level!

- Emmelie, Emmelie Coulson Design