1:1 mentoring

build your business on your own terms with dream clients, unstoppable offers, sustainable marketing & the most joyful you

this is where you could be 6 months from now…

  • live your dream life with more time, more money, more joy and more alignment

  • every part of your business is a slick, well-oiled machine with no stress or drama

  • you attract the most perfect high-ticket clients who let you be the expert

  • your vision for your future has actually come to life and you get to live it day to day

breakthrough: an amazing discovery or a huge amount of progress

breakthrough: an amazing discovery or a huge amount of progress ❋



an amazing discovery or a huge amount of progress

I know you love being a designer and you are so proud of how far you’ve come. I also know that you can see more for yourself - more freedom, more flexibility, more time, more of the stuff you love over the stuff you don’t, more life, more money…

I know you have spent so long trying to figure out what that looks like for you and how to get there. And all of the courses, podcasts and even your clients just send you in a direction that is fine - but it’s not perfect for you

You want to run your business your way, you want to build the life you see yourself living, you want to make your business your dream job for as long as you want to work…

You want your breakthrough!

working less and making more than ever

After working with Cat, I feel super cosy, confident and comfortable in my business. I’ve had a complete mindset shift so even though my services look the same, the difference in how I feel is huge. I feel able to chat about my pricing easily and more clients are coming to me with higher budgets as I’ve made more time to market myself and connect whilst also making more time to rest. I am working less on the whole but making more than I ever have - I feel truly happy and can't wait to keep these values moving forward as I grow my business further and hopefully work with Cat again!

- Amy, Begin Studio

i’ve been where you are right now…

  • You’re so proud of how far you’ve come with your business and what you’ve built but you can see a bigger future for yourself and know you can get there

  • You book amazing projects with clients you love but you want the process to be easier and more spacious

  • You want to earn more with higher design rates and additional offers without working more and getting overwhelmed

  • You don’t want your business to follow a set blueprint of “success”, you want to do things your way whilst still knowing you can reach your goals

increased income after one session!

Working with Cat has been great, having someone to go through different parts of the business and strategise was exactly what I needed to take my business to the next level! We ironed out my process to free up time, I worked out a schedule so I’m no longer overworked and overwhelmed and I increased my income from the first session!

- Niketa, Studio Iris

about your mentor

about your mentor ❋

hey, i’m cat 👋🏻

I’ve built my dream design business and have been working with dream clients and supporting my perfect life for a decade!

My dream business looks like sustainable, steady five-figure monthly income; dreamy high-ticket design clients booked six months in advance; working 15 hours a week and taking three months off a year; and running most of my business on autopilot, leaving space for my best creative expert self…

As a mentor, I don't need your dream business to look like mine. I want to help you find your version of success and the steps you can take right now to make it a reality…

I guide you to think bigger about your business and build the pieces that make it future-proof

I coach you through whatever feels difficult and how to make tough situations a thing of the past

I help you live and breathe being the confident creative expert you know you can be

I can guide you with your breakthrough ✨

Find out more about my decade in business below…

  • took my design studio, Gatto, full-time

  • pivoted my services to branding & web design

  • started booking dream clients 3-6 months in advance

  • built a portfolio of high-profile client projects

  • booked my first £10k project and launched my second business

  • started mentoring designers to book clients

  • Took a 3 month work-free, financially supported maternity leave

  • Cut my working week down to between two & three days

  • launched my group program and supported 100+ designers

  • continued working on gatto for one day a week

intentional alignment!

Emily was able to see through the noise and overwhelm from all of the advice online and map out a business that looked perfect to her. Not just focusing on work work work or a standard version of success, but working on projects she loves and re-thinking what a fun business looks like!

- Emily, Wylde Creative

let's find your business breakthrough together

let's find your business breakthrough together ❋

how does breakthrough work?

6 x 90 minute mentoring calls

tailored topic strategy calls

Together we will have six bumper 1:1 mentoring calls where we can talk strategy, planning and making things happen. Each call focuses on a different topic so you know you are planning in everything you need to bring your dream design business to life. These calls can be booked in any order at any time throughout your six months, depending on what you feel inspired to work on at the time!

1:1 voice note mentoring

6 months of daily support using Voxer

Voxer and voice note mentoring is a transformational tool with my clients! You get full access to my support and guidance between our calls whenever you’d like to implement your strategy, talk through your confidence or discuss an ongoing issue. Think of me as a mentor in your pocket!

your personalised “dream business roadmap”

your strategic roadmap for your breakthrough

As we work through our strategic, tailored mentoring sessions, I will build your personalised “dream business roadmap” which you can take with you to expand your business even beyond our six months together. Including notes, recordings of our sessions and visual outlines of everything we discuss.

a year of the clubhouse

twelve months of extra group support

Want some time to work on the basics alongside your dream business expansion? You also get a space in my group mentoring program, The Clubhouse, so you can grow your network and focus on any foundations as we set you up to grow

ready to build your dream business?

our tailored strategy sessions

  • 001: design your dream business

    We will discuss what your dream business really looks like and how you can build your dream lifestyle around it. Who are your perfect clients? What do you want to add into your business? What do you want to strip back? How will you balance your time?

    This is our kick-off session so we can both feel aligned on what we’re working towards and how the rest of our sessions will support your vision.

  • 002: build your lifetime offers

    Your business isn’t a business without your offers. We will design your current offers and packages for bespoke design clients whilst also planning a ladder of services to expand your income and potential additional income streams for the future.

    This session will help you plan out your offers for years to come and where they fit into your future plan. It’s not just about right now it’s about how you can build with ease and peace moving forward.

  • 003: create your magnetic marketing

    To be magnetic to your perfect people, we need magnetic marketing and this needs a plan. We will build an intentional, easeful and consistent content and marketing plan that fits into your work week and attracts your dream clients.

    You will find marketing easier. You will no longer leave it at the end of your never-ending to-do list and this ease and priority is going to transform your business

  • 004: develop your expertise

    You are an expert - there’s no denying it! But sometimes we want to expand on certain areas of our business and build on what we can offer. We will plan what you can refine and how to make it happen. With prompts and passion projects to help!

    If it’s not about adding more onto your plate, let’s work on refining your expertise to make you the go to designer for your people who work on what you do best.

  • 005: cut your workload

    Your dream business doesn’t have to be busy. You can have more space, you can have more flexibility and you can have your dream work schedule. We will figure out how you will cut your workload to make this a reality and allow you to take at least 12 weeks off per year.

    Implementing processes, automations, outsourcing and task management is transformational in your business and with your time!

  • 006: your sustainable business plan

    Our work doesn’t end once we’ve worked together for six months. I want to set your business up to reach your version of success beyond the work we do together! Your sustainable business plan will include booking six months in advance, scaling and launching offers, consistently raising your rates and managing your time so you don’t slip into feast and famine.

why does this work so well?


any time

You get to control when our sessions take place across the six months to make sure we are working in a way that suits your creativity and productivity! Want to get all the planning done first to implement later? No problem! Want to spread our sessions out to have one focus per month, that’s good too.


any order

I don’t expect everyone’s business to be at the same point when we begin our work together. In fact, I expect the exact opposite! In building your business in your own way, you also get to control how you build and what you want to prioritise. We start with ‘Design Your Dream Business’ and from there, it’s your call.


lifetime benefit

The work we do in the next six months will not just impact those six months together. We are planning your business for long-term, sustainable success. You will have plans, strategies and processes that will support your entire business through all of its stages and all of your life stages for years to come.

broken free of freelancing!

Before working with Cat I was saying yes to every project just to make some money which lead me to working too much and in a constant burnout cycle. Within a few weeks I had created a new marketing strategy, found signature services that were doing things I actually wanted to do, and created a schedule to stop the burnout.

After our work together, I feel like a business owner rather than a freelancer! I have taken control of my business and I no longer let my clients run my life. I'm much clearer on my boundaries and I'm just a much happier in my business in general!

- Becky, Becky Wood Creative

where could you be in six months?

where could you be in six months? ❋

here’s a few things i’ve supported my designer clients to achieve

  • set a pricing structure so you can expand your income quickly instead of in small steps

  • building an intentional & strategic ladder of services to reach your income goals without sacrificing time

  • planning and taking time-off for maternity leave, honeymoons, holidays or just to regularly recharge!

  • identifying big picture goals and planning a unique and joyful path to get there

  • creating and consistently implementing a marketing schedule to attract dream clients

  • creating, launching and selling passive income streams for joyful projects and additional recurring income

  • building huge amounts of confidence as a business owner to make big but transformational decisions

  • creating a long-lasting business by identifying unique design superpowers and sharing that with the world

launched a successful product line!

My sessions with Cat were so valuable and without her support, I wouldn’t have the business I have today working with dream clients and selling my own products! Cat has guided me with her own knowledge and experiences but also helped me find my own ways that work and help me get to my own version of success. In the first few weeks of working together, I managed to raise my prices, create more consistent income and launch a successful Kickstarter for a dream product!

- Sam, Sam-Jayne Design

 is breakthrough right for me?


✔︎ breakthrough is perfect if...

  • your design business feels consistent and steady but you know you can have more
  • you want to see what is possible for you building a business entirely on your own terms
  • you've tried various strategies and courses but now is your time to find your perfect way of doing things
  • you want to step into a new normal of being a confident, in-control business owner
  • you want to build the life you envision yourself having with more money, spare time and flexibility

✘ breakthrough won’t work if…

  • You are unwilling to make any changes to how you currently run your business
  • You love the culture of hustling and working constantly
  • You don’t think the things you want for yourself are a possibility and can’t move past those thoughts
  • You want quick and simple change without too much work
  • You don’t like taking suggestions on board and prefer to figure things out alone

drop me a dm @thedaringdesignersclub and
let’s chat about your goals

designed her dream business!

Just wanted to say that it's been so amazing working with you over the last few months. I feel like I've come on leaps and bounds in terms of clarity within my business and you've helped me have the confidence to launch this crazy but amazing idea of mine. I can't thank you enough for sharing all your knowledge with me and helping me realise that I actually can create the life I've always dreamed about - both in business and in life. It means the world! Thank you!!

- Gem, The Good Launch

booking for september 2024

booking for september 2024 ❋

apply for breakthrough

you do the designing, we do the building together

Join me in Breakthrough for six months of strategy, growth and intention as I help you design and bring to life your dream business in a way that works for you.

You also get access to my group program The Clubhouse and any live programs or masterclasses.


apply for 1:1 below


payment plans available


your 1:1 questions answered

drop me a dm over on @thedaringdesignersclub
if you have more things to discuss!

  • We start by figuring out exactly what you want from your life and business. From there we can design how that looks as a complete vision and build the strategies that help you get there!

    See the section above for what I have helped clients with in the past!

  • My 1:1 clients get unlimited access to me via the voice note app, Voxer, Tuesday - Thursday. This is where we can connect and chat - think of me as your mentor in your pocket!

    We also have six, 90-minute strategy calls throughout the six months together which you can book at any time.

  • That's for you to decide! I like to make sure we are a perfect fit together before you jump in to work with me. I'm always available to chat and answer any question before booking - you can schedule a 15 minute chat on application.

  • It's crucial to me that everyone I work with gets unique and tailored guidance based on your expertise, offers, dream clients, goals and so much more. My mentoring superpower is bringing out the most unique elements of my clients and I can't wait to find what makes you completely unique too!

  • This is entirely up to you, what your version of success looks like, and the work you are willing to put into our time together.

    I will give you my expertise, guidance, and non-judgemental care and in return, I would love for you to be open and do the hard work that is required behind the scenes!

  • All 1:1 clients get access to my mentoring program, The Clubhouse, and any programs I’m running whilst we work together as a standard, as well as the strategy call and Voxer access! This means you can get access to all the knowledge and strategy in your own time so we can focus on your personal goals and journey with our time together.

  • My next availability is shown at the top of this page! I generally book my mentoring slots a couple of months in advance so keep your eyes peeled for these opening on my email list or Instagram.

  • I love keeping a close relationship with past mentoring clients so make sure you keep me updated with your wins!

    There is also the option to extend our time together via 3-months of voice note mentoring to keep actioning our breakthrough plan.